Several factors can impact gut health, including a poor diet high in processed and sugary foods, chronic stress, overuse of antibiotics, and lack of physical activity,
Here are some more things that can affect gut health.
Junk diet
A nutrient-poor diet makes all the wrong bacteria and yeast grow in the gut, leading to a damaged "ecosystem".

Medication overuse
Anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, acid blocking drugs and steroids damage the gut or block normal digestive function.

Infections and gut imbalances
These include small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), yeast overgrowth and parasites.
Toxic overload
Including mercury and mild toxins.
Inadequate digestive enzymes
Stress, acid blocking medications, and zinc deficiencies can all contribute to lack of adequate digestive enzyme function.
Chronic stress alters your gut nervous system, creating a leaky gut and changing the normal bacteria in the gut.

If you want to find out how I can help YOU and how testing can also help gauge where you are then book a free health review with me here.
Have a fab weekend everyone!